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The process
We want to know everything

We need to know everything about your business - all the great things about being employed by you, but also the things that you may not want the public to know.

We need to be able to sell your business in the best possible way and for that, you need to dress us up for the task!.

We think it is of great importance to balance the expectations, as this should be a long-term collaboration between you and your new next colleagues.

We need to know what you emphasize on a purely professional level, and most importantly what personal qualities that you appreciate.

When this has been clarified, we will dig into the industry to start identifying the prospect candidates whom we believe match all of the essential criteria and requirements for the task - and pick the most qualified candidates for an interview and afterward, send you the most qualified.

We will dress you up for the meetings with the prospect candidates, and have a follow-up conversation with you and the candidates and together try to get the best employee (s).


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"When you lay the foundation for a brand new Tech Team, getting the right resources is essential. Coresearch has been a huge help here. They can find the right candidates - also those with advanced and specific skills, and they make sure that the social skills also match the culture."

CTO Thomas Ege Heller kompasbank


“Coresearch successfully filled three Lead Engineer positions for us. We had very high requirements for the candidates, and were both satisfied with the people we got to interview, and that Coresearch sorted out those they didn't think were worth the time. In the end, we got three sharp candidates who also fit in well with our team.


Coresearch are quick to follow up, and you get the feeling that they are "on the ball" all the time. We would not have been able to find the candidates that we ended up with ourselves.”

Theis Søndergaard – COO & Co-founder


“Coresearch is an extremely efficient and competent collaboration partner. In a short time, a number of exciting profiles were presented and our positions were quickly filled based on the desired criteria.


Coresearch has its finger on the pulse and thus good business insight, which is a must to find the right match.

I give Coresearch my best recommendations.”

Lars Jønstrup – Head of Corporate Finance CPH

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“Coresearch is an extremely efficient and competent collaboration partner. In a short time, a number of exciting profiles were presented and our positions were quickly filled based on the desired criteria.


Coresearch has its finger on the pulse and thus good business insight, which is a must to find the right match.

I give Coresearch my best recommendations.”

Lars Jønstrup – Head of Corporate Finance CPH


Delegate is a consulting company that works for the largest companies in DK with the implementation of MOSS.

"For many years, I have collaborated with Coresearch - both as a candidate and as a customer. They are eminent at matching up the personal and the professional and hit the spot almost every time.


Due to their long experience and large network, Coresearch is able to find candidates that I, as a customer, do not have the opportunity to find myself. Even in a pressured market, CoreSearch always manages to find qualified candidates, which is of great benefit to our company."

Kevin Petersen – CEO Dir.


In our collaboration, Coresearch has managed to deliver several relevant candidates of high quality. In a "hot" IT job market, they manage to enter into a dialogue with the candidates and thereby there has been a fast and steady flow of qualified profiles. They have until now, delivered on all our recruitments. My best recommendations from here.

Peer Oman
Group IT Director


"CoreSearch is both sharp and pleasant to work with. Our tasks are solved precisely, quickly and professionally because CoreSearch understands which profiles we are looking for - both in terms of skills and personality types.

The best recommendation from here.”


Henrik Printzlau, CTO, Partner


"Through a long-term collaboration, CoreSearch has managed to create access to and supply us with competence in both large quantity and high quality.


Throughout the collaboration, CoreSearch has made a difference to our Dynamics business through great effort, qualitative dialogue with the candidates, their network, and not least the infectious mood. Thoroughly a professional business partner.”

Ejnar Smidt Hansen – Sales Director Dynamics


Tetra Pak is a worldwide group which, among other things, produces packaging. Tetra Pak has approx. 20,000 employees worldwide.


Tetra Pak Global Information Management has departments in Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, the USA and Singapore:

“Big is not always best”

"It has been a real pleasure to have one of my suspicions in this area finally confirmed - that it is not only the big agencies who can actually lift a major job and at the same time handle a troublesome & demanding customer.


I have had the pleasure to work very closely with CoreSearch on a major recruitment for Tetra Pak Global Information Management for the last 12 months and I must admit that no matter how often I change my mind and have to ask them to do a 180° turnaround , they take the challenge with a smile and even have the nerve to comment on how nice and exiting everything is.

They have made it their business to know me and the company I represent, almost better than I, and this has brought a tremendous value to the process we have been using. I have never experienced more exited & motivated candidates arriving on their first day in their new job, and their feedback on the process & the treatment they have received from CoreSearch are outstanding. What more can one ask for?

This can only lead me to one conclusion: CoreSearch – keep on doing what you know best, and beware not to grow too big.”


Stig Widerberg –  Tetra Pak Information Management (Head of SAP Resource Management)


"Thank you very much for your great help. It was not an easy task, but we have had some really exciting candidates and are glad that there were several who were competent in a case like this. Thanks for the game"

Jacob Overgaard

Talent Acquisition Consultant

Arla Foods amba


"Over the past few years, we have greatly benefited from the collaboration with Coresearch. In the management area, we have worked closely together to find the right profiles for the e-Boks organization of the future both in Denmark and throughout the Nordics - and we have succeeded. A good network at CoreSearch shows the way to the right candidates – and an efficient process guides the candidates safely to their destination"

Henrik Andersen, CEO


For Nine, it is crucial to have a recruitment partner who understands our business, knows our corporate culture and knows what we stand for as individuals. Coresearch is really good at that, and our long collaboration has given us many skilled core employees who, in terms of competence and culture, fit our company very well. We greatly appreciate our collaboration with CoreSearch.

Jacob Strange



ECsoft Danmark A/S was founded in November 1980, and was acquired in 2003 by CIBER Inc., a large American group. In the entire group, there are now more than 6,000 employees spread over the countries of the USA, Canada, England, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary and Denmark. In Denmark, there are approx. 200 employees:

"If someone asks CIBER, "What can CoreSearch contribute as a partner in relation to CIBER?", we would answer like this:

"CoreSearch consists of a small team of talented and cheerful girls. They are razor sharp when it comes to finding the right profiles and pretty much hit the spot every time! They have a great deal of knowledge about our company and understand and feel our spirit, which they manage to convey to the candidates beautifully. Last but not least, they act super fast! All this has meant that for many years CoreSearch has been and still is to this day our preferred partner in the field of recruitment.”

– Van Anh Tran – HR Consultant


Finger on the pulse

"When consulting firms hire employees in the IT industry today, it is important to hire the right consultants at the right time. A normal employment procedure with job advertisements in newspapers and on the internet is time-consuming and cannot satisfy the needs that must be solved in the short term in connection with the start-up of new projects. At the same time, it can be difficult to reach the experienced consultants who are in an unannounced position, as they often use recruitment companies.

Over several years in the navision industry, CoreSearch has built up a good network for these consultants and has shown that they manage to get them talking in a relatively short time. They have their finger on the pulse and they fully deliver the service that means that I, as a manager, do not have to spend oceans of time finding the right people with the right qualifications. I perceive CoreSearch as some lovely, positive and committed girls who know what they are about and who are easy to work with.”

Peter Kühl – Columbus IT – Manager Professional Services Ballerup

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